Thursday, June 3, 2010

Make Money Online with Sponsored Reviews

If you’re familiar with ReviewMe and PayPerPost, then here’s another site where you can earn extra Dollars by writing reviews, the “Sponsored Reviews“.
The name of the company, “Sponsored Reviews” speaks about itself already. This is the place where bloggers can earn money by writing reviews of the product and services of the advertisers.
What you need to do is signup an account here and add your blog into the system. Once your blog is approved, you can now start accepting sponsored reviews where you can earn money based on the price you set for every review you write.
Actually, there are two ways a blogger like could earn money from “Sponsored Reviews”.
  1. The advertisers directly buy your review.
  2. You as review publisher can find advertisers at the market place by bidding. Once your bid is approved by the advertiser, that would be the time that you can write a review of their product or services.
If ReviewMe pays you 50% of the amount of the review, SponsoredReviews will pay you 65% of your price.
Again, to start with, you need to sign-up for a Publishers Account. Complete the forms and verify it through the verification email sent to your registered email. After that, you need to add yourblog, set-up your own price and wait for the offers to come. If an advertiser offer you a job, you must accept it and write a review within 7 days.
However, publishers have the other option in looking for review jobs. They have a service that let’s you find advertisers, offer them your price, if advertisers approve your offer then you can immediately write a review witin 7 days.
But there’s something that I want to take note. On their policy it is stated:
  • Blogs with very little traffic and/or links, may be rejected .
  • We may reject blogs that are overpriced. You should not charge more then our suggested price unless your site, and writing style, can justify it.
  • We will suspend your account if you make rude or unconstructive comments about an advertiser. You should not accept an offer to write a review if you do not have at least something positive to say about the product/service. We encourage contructive critism!
So, if you think your blog is qualified, then it’s now your opportunity to earn more from your blog.

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