Monday, May 24, 2010

Journey to Your Millions

You can view the walking image of a person towards the summit of the ladder as my main header image. He is walking his journey to reach the top. In order to reach it, a collection of simple yet powerful ideas should be bear in mind to successfully reach the top of his journey to millions.
It will be up to you to make and implement it into actions.

  1. You don’t need money to create money.
  2. Face your fears.
  3. Use the power of connection.
  4. Always keep your eyes open for opportunities.
  5. Trust sells better than your product.
  6. Two heads are better than one.
  7. The process of getting rich requires risks.
  8. Cut savings on top of your income.
  9. Continuous learning and improvement.
  10. Humility before greatness.
  11. You have to find your niche.
  12. Give first in order to receive.
  13. Build a team.
  14. Create a system.
Do you have your own journey? If you have, aim to reach the top of it.

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